Black, White Noise, Dust & Onion · Naina

Human by Naina

The topic of this month was to write something utilizing at least 3 of the following words: White Noise, Black, Dust, Onion.


When I was younger, I asked my father:
Why are we so human?
Now I sit here, alone in my corner,
And think about all that I’ve been thinking,
And all I hear is the white noise
That’s been here for quite a while,
In my head, in a friend’s ‘guise-
But isn’t that what we all want?
A friend, our ‘against all odds’.
Why are we human and filled with hate?
Love is the only thing that makes us great.
The songs make sense, you know,
And they fill you with black bile,
But you embrace the feeling,
Because you familiarize.
That’s all we need, you know,
A sense of familiarity and comfort,
That someone has been here and grown,
Someone who’s loved and knows
What it is to not be loved back.
Are we human, or are we dancers?
’cause I can dance and play the part,
And be anything you want,
Even though that’s not my heart.
I have read all about magic,
And how we can be anything we want.
Love is magic no matter what they say,
It is as human as human gets.
I just hope you love someone that’s fair;
It can be anybody, you know,
Maybe, even yourself,
‘Cause no matter what they say,
You are star dust,
You really are.
When I was younger, I asked my father:
Why are we so human?
Now that I’m older,
I think I’ve figured it out.
Or maybe that’s what I’d like to think.

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